Lower Ballona

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Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve/Ballona Wetlands Needs SGMA/ GDE Protective Evaluation of its Freshwater Resources

Grassroots Coalition is notifying many decision makers about CDFW's current scheme to bulldoze freshwater Ballona Wetlands, an Ecological Reserve, and expand an EPA Declared Impaired Water Way by sending grossly polluted, Los Angeles, stormwater runoff into the freshwaters of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve.

CDFW's Nefarious Scheme to Destroy Ballona, a Rare Coastal Wetlands

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) tries to get California Coastal Commission permit approval for cutting toxic, salt water channels into clean, healthy, freshwater habitat.

CDFW also tries to circumvent the CEQA lawsuits by illegally piecemealing a portion of their entire destructive plan: Sequence 1 and 2.


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