Submitted on believes by building consensus we can restore Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve to a reknowned 570 acre wildlife & people friendly corridor...
BallonaAdvocatesBlog.orgThe purpose of this Blog is to make it easier for busy, Pro-Environment Ballona folks to get brief, reliable, up-to-dates, and scientific information.
Read or Listen / your choice.
Our Trusted Blog Contributors generally support a wildlife friendly, slow, careful, predominantly freshwater restoration, not an industrial scale bulldozing that would open Ballona to the sea:
Patricia McPherson: GrassrootsCoalition
Dr. Margot Griswold: NaturesNexus / Los Angeles Audubon Society
Richard Harmel: Nature’s Rights
Tina and Jessa Calderon: Indigenous Rights
Jonathan Coffin: Ballona Wildlife
Rick Pine: Ballona Wildlife
Cindy Hardin: Los Angeles Audubon Society
Jill Stewart: Carbon Sequestration
Paul Hawken: DrawDown
Jeanette Vosburg: Theme and Freshwater capture
To dig deeper go to: GrassrootsCoalition.Org / SaveBallona.Org website
You will find 100’s of pages of present day scientific information by internationally known authorities as well as historical studies reaching back a few years to thousands of years ago. There are citations, external links, and information gleaned from Public Information Requests, Historical Photo Archives and Articles by respected journalist.
- the love of wildlife, plant life, clean water, clean air, healthy food, indigenous fire management, full disclosure of health and safe issues. We generally oppose pesticides.
- the belief that all races, nationalities, religions, linguistics, cultural origins and backgrounds deserve respect.
- the belief that we should “take only what you need".
- the belief that the “Rights of Nature” should become part of our way of life.
- the belief that what we see on the surface reveals only a portion of our planet but the unseen below the surface is equally important in a wetland, an ocean, a forest or our backyard. Anyone of them can be a carbon storage sink. Click here for more
Links to books in print, electronically or audio:
- Finding the Mother Tree, Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest by Suzanne Sumard
- Braiding Sweetgrass, Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teaching of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer
- As Long As Grass Grows, The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, from Colonization to Standing Rock by Dino Gillo-Whitaker
- Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by Paul Hawken,
- Water Security In The Age of SGMA: A deep dive into the impacts of SGMA on agriculture, land, insurance, investment and more in California now and into the future. Glossary: Sustainable Groundwater Management Act SGMA; Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem GDE; and Groundwater Sustainability Plan GSP; and Santa Monica Groundwater Sustainability Plan SMGSP
Locally, in the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve we'd like:
- Playa Vista to STOP THE THROW AWAY OF BILLIONS OF GALLONS FRESHWATER ANNUALLY to storm drains, Hyperion, Ballona Channel and the ocean.
- Accurate statistics on just how much water Playa Vista promised to clean and put back into Ballona’s Ecological Reserve annually, and how much they waste annually.
Ballona is a GDE Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem that relies on this freshwater.
- Local Agencies to enforce Playa Vista’s signed covenants to DO THE RIGHT THING! Now and in the future.
- New provisions for cleanup and infusion of the Ballona Watershed Stormwater into our three aquifers: Ballona-Silverado-_______.
- Current saltwater intrusion statistics for Ballona's three Aquifers.
- Current subsidence statistics for the lower Ballona Watershed.
- We’d like fossil fuels to go away because their noxious fumes contribute to bad air quality, danger of explosion and myriad illnesses and death.
Communicate with our Bloggers
Another Page
- Insects, animals, roots of plants and trees, fungi otherwise known as mycorrhizae form a symbiotic relationship with plants and trees. This has become known as the ”wood wide web” a communication system among plants much like our World Wide Web.
- Mycorrhizae play important roles in plant nutrition, soil biology, and soil chemistry.Many conspicuous fungi such as the fly agaric (upper left) form ectomycorrhiza (upper right) with tree rootlets. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (lower left) are very common in plants, including crop species such as wheat (lower right)
In a mycorrhizal association, the fungus colonizes the host plant's root tissues, either intracellularly as in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF or AM), or extracellularly as in ectomycorrhizal fungi. The association is sometimes mutualistic. In particular species or in particular circumstances, mycorrhizae may have a parasitic association with host plants.[3]
Water is everything - unique to earth, most flexible molecule
Bring in the ocean
Drill down
Complex systems
Plants & Animals are sentient
Importance of Fire
GSP - Groundwater Sustainability Plan
GDE - Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem
Respect Patricia’s and Margot’s knowledge without taking responsibility for knowing everything.
Provide a guide to what trust means.
- 2271 reads