Submitted on
Board of Supervisors Los Angeles County
California Coastal Commission
(CDFW) California Department of Fish and Wildlife
(CalEPA) California Environmental Protection Agency
Department of Beaches and Harbors Los Angeles County
(DPW) Department of Public Works Los Angeles County
United States Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
(LARWQCB) Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
(NOAA) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration guides protection of ocean and coastal
resources, including oversight of fisheries and protection of marine mammals.
(SMBRC) Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission
Coastal Development Permit required by the Coastal Commission (CCC) for any development in the
Coastal Zone. Some CDPs are also issued by the County of LA and the City of LA, and in dual permit
zones, a CDP needs to be issued by both municipal government and CCC.
Environmental Impact Report -‐ Analyzes and reports a project's environmental effects, suggests
ways to mitigate or make up for significant environmental effects, and explores reasonable
alternatives to the project.
Environmental Impact Statement describes the effects of proposed activities on the environment.
Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area is a legal protection that the Coastal Commission or CA Dept.
of Fish & Wildlife designates, and, under the Coastal Act, it means any area in which plant or animal life
or their habitats are either rare or especially valuable because of their special nature or role in an
ecosystem and which could be easily disturbed or degraded by human activities and development.
The Freedom of Information Act is a law that gives you the right to access information from the
federal government.
Important Biological Resources are not “Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas” within
the meaning of California Public Resources Code Section 30107.5 or 30240. This designation was
devised by lobbyists which makes it sound like wildlife is important and would be protected, while
not affording full protection of the law.
Land Use Plan means the relevant portion of a local government’s general plan, or local coastal
element, which are sufficiently detailed to indicate the kinds, location and intensity of land uses, the
applicable resource protection and development policies and, where necessary, a listing of
implementing actions.
Local Coastal Program means a local government’s (a) Land Use Plan (LUP), (b) zoning ordinances, (c)
zoning district maps and (d) within sensitive coastal resource areas, other implementing actions which,
when taken together, meet the requirements of, and implement the provisions and policies of the
Coastal Act. Items (b), (c) & (d) are collectively referred to as the Local Implementation Program (LIP).
California Public Records Act Californians have a right under the, the California Constitution, and the
Governor's Executive Order S-‐03-‐06, to access public information maintained by government agencies.
Wetland Lands within the coastal zone which may be covered periodically or permanently with shallow water
and include saltwater marshes, freshwater marshes, open or closed brackish water marshes, swamps,
mudflats, and fens.
Information Prepared Courtesy of Sierra Club,, 310-‐721-‐3512
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