Why can't we spruce up the existing buildings in Fisherman's Village and focus on a view of the Ballona Wetlands on the other side of Fiji? Don't we have enough commercial? I'd rather see herons! Anonymous
I just went there with my kids for the first time in like 20 years, and I was amazed at how unchanged it was. I rather liked it, frankly. These renderings look like nothing but a big array of parking structures." Anonymous
"I'm not personally sentimental for the Fisherman's Village but it makes LA a worst place when every neighborhood is being homogenized with the same chain stores/restaurants housed in the same boxy structure than one begins to not tell the difference between Venice, Boyle Heights, downtown, Hollywood and Marina del Rey, etc. The diversity of our neighborhoods, not just culturally but also architecturally, is one of L.A.'s biggest selling points and it's sad that it is being eroded by money hungry developers and citizens (many of your guys) who enable them." Anonymous
"No. Just no. This monstrosity is in poor taste, leave the Marina alone. Don't turn it into a mini version of Miami. It's doubtful something like this could actually get constructed, could you imagine the traffic impact? Lincoln's actually already screwed up enough as-is." Anonymous
"Pretty much all the development in SoCal along the beach is hideous, completely lacking in charm. Manhattan Beach, Huntington Beach and most of Newport are -- completely ugly stucco boxes all over that were mostly thrown up between the 60's and 80's. I guess this is no worse." Anonymous
You might be able to find a newer version on the developer's website or on the Los Angeles County website
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