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In 1954 U.S. Congress Document 389 created Marina del Rey from 950 acres of Ballona Wetlands. To compensate for the loss of marshlands (bird habitat) they promised:
Item 49. Effect on wildlife. -- Construction of the proposed harbor would eliminate existing marshlands of some wildlife value. However, the Fish and Wildlife Service by letter dated April 26, 1946, state that no objection will be interposed to the construction project. Local representatives of the Fish and Wildlife Service state few game birds occupy the area because of oil pollution which results from the operation of the oil field. Local interests propose to construct a bird refuge about 800 feet wide and 2,500 feet long adjacent to the flood control channel as a part of the overall park development to provide for the shore birds nesting in the area. Principal among these birds are killdeer, sandpiper, stilt and tern. In addition there are many other species of birdlife which are not dependent on the area.
Note: Document 389 set aside 800 feet X 2,500 feet or 2,000,000 (2 million) square feet which equals 45.9 acres. Actually, 10.7 acres or less than 25% of 45.9 acres were provided. Now it appears the County is converting the bird sanctuary to more flood control area totally disregarding the original commitment. Originally, it was fresh water. Now the County's flood gates invite in polluted sea water. During late 2014 and early 2015 the County chained sawed all but two old growth Eucalyptus when their disregard for Osprey and wintering Monarch Butterflies were protested.
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