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Both Grassroots Coalition and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Consumer Protection and Safety Division's "Facts and Findings" detail risks created by the SoCalGas underground gas storage operations in Playa del Rey (PDR), CA.
In the 1940's, the underground gas storage operations began as a pilot project injecting and storing gas in an oilfield underlying Ballona Wetlands, Playa del Rey, Westchester, and Marina Del Rey. When SoCalGas operated the field on behalf of the government the storage pressure was 750 psi. No migration occurred.
When SoCalGas acquired the field they boosted the pressure to 1700 psi. This caused gas migration in directions outside of SoCalGas' original 240 acres.
Read the Brief to understand how the gases migrated out and leaked to the surface; also, read the Safety Branch Report to understand how they determined a greater than 50% chance the gases surfacing at Playa Vista are a combination of PDR oilfield gases and injected reservoir gases.
All this is occurring underneath a very densely populated area.
Grassroots Coalition's CPUC Complaint Case - Playa Del Rey/SoCalGas Storage Field
Investigation by CPUC Consumer Protection and Safety Division:
"Facts and Findings" November 2004
Contents: Intro, Discussion, Background and Recommendations. -
Grassroots Coalition (GC) March 24, 2007 Brief CPUC legal filing.
Executive Summary, Conclusions and Exhibit and Equipment Leak Diagrams.
The Playa Del Rey Monitoring Program by Rick Lorio of Southern California Gas Co, April 25, 1985 -
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